Facelift, without needles or surgery


Over time, the structures of the face change with the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin. This aging is linked, among other things, to the decrease in collagen and elastin contained in the skin. To fight against this sagging and "tighten" the tissues, it is necessary to induce a response from the fibroblasts that diminishes over time.

endolift - le lifting
endolift nouvelle machine


It is a laser that allows to fight against skin slackening.
The operation is most often performed under local anesthesia (or without anesthesia)
The laser goes under the skin (face, neck or body) by thermal effect to densify the subcutaneous tissues with the result that the skin is tightened. This treatment will also have the effect of stimulating the tissues, inducing the production of neo-collagen and elastin.
This is why this technique will have results that will improve over time (about 3 to 6 months) and last over time (about 3 years)
All in all, this is a medical facelift which, of course, cannot obtain the results of a surgical facelift, but which is a simple, minimally invasive alternative without social eviction.

The endolift is a revolutionary laser technology that performs a face, neck or body lift without anesthesia or social eviction, thanks to a laser with a frequency of 1450 delivered by an optical fiber as thin as a hair.

Endolift® is a minimally invasive outpatient laser procedure used in endo-tissue (interstitial) aesthetic medicine.
Endolift® is a scalpel-free, scar-free and painless treatment that boosts skin restructuring and reduces skin laxity. It is the result of the most advanced technological and medical research focused on how to achieve the results of the surgical lifting (facelift) procedure while avoiding the drawbacks unique to traditional surgery such as longer recovery time. long, a higher rate of surgical problems and of course higher prices.
Dr. Lecornu is a trainer for this medical-surgical technique, for training practitioners can contact the secretariat.


Les résultats sont non seulement immédiats et à long terme, mais continuent de s’améliorer pendant plusieurs mois après la procédure, à mesure que du collagène supplémentaire s’accumule dans les couches profondes de la peau.
The results are not only immediate and long-term, but continue to improve for several months after the procedure as additional collagen builds up in the deeper layers of the skin.
As with all procedures in aesthetic medicine, the response and duration of the effect depend on the individual patient and, if the physician deems it necessary, Endolift® can be repeated without collateral effects.

Endolift® can be performed in synergy (simultaneously or delayed) with other common cosmetic medical and surgical procedures, such as :

– Non-ablative fractional resurfacing with fractional laser
– LED photobiomodulation
– Masks, medical Jet system
– Radiofrequency
– Skin boosters